Sunday, May 23, 2010

Running and Swimming

Today was so much fun!!! Momma and I went running/walking first thing this morning. She says that she needs to get back into shape so she can go on hikes with me this summer. Either way, it was a blast. After we came back home we got cleaned up and headed to church.
At church I was playing in the toddler room and I pooped. I didn't fuss and tried not to let the ladies watching me know. I didn't want them disturbing Momma during the service. I was doing a good job but then I heard "WOAH! Atticus, you smell bad! You pooped, didn't you? We're going to go get a diaper from your Momma". Then Momma came and got me. She didn't have any diapers or wipes with her so we ended up going home early.
Then we went to H2 Oasis for Dannie's birthday party. It was a blast! I went swimming, down water slides, in this stream type thing. There was so much to do but Momma said I had to be bigger to do anything without her or another adult holding my hand. Momma's no fun! I wanted to run and play on the pirate ship.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Lady Charmer at IHOP

Mrs. Wendy and Eryn took Me, Kirby and Mommy out to IHOP for lunch today. When we were there I heard someone say "say hi to Atticus" and then heard someone yelling my name across the room. It was one of the little girls from the day care room attached to mine. She was saying "ATTICUS!!! ATTICUS!!!" and she was smiling and waving. I blushed and hid my face behind my hand and then said hi. It was nice to see a friend at IHOP.
I am getting anxious for Grandma and Grandpa to come home from Iowa. It is really confusing to be staying at their house without them being here. I miss my own room too. Things are odd now, and I would just like them to go back to normal. I miss giving Grandma hugs and playing with Grandpa on the swing and the sandbox. I miss them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Little Milk with Your Chocolate

So things have been a little crazy lately. Momma is practicing her bass with the band for VBS and her schooling just started. She has three classes so I'll have to behave for her. Speaking of behaving, the Day Care lady told Momma that I was extra good this afternoon. She told her that I behaved really well and only had to be reminded once to stay at the table. :) Momma was so proud of me.
Today was kind of a sad day. Momma told me that My Great-Great-Grandma passed away this morning. She said that Grandma and Grandpa were flying home to Iowa for the funeral. I am not sure what a funeral is but it makes me sad to know that Grandma is hurt. I will miss her and Grandpa while they in Iowa. I hope Grandma feels better soon.
On a different note, my Aunt Amanda caught me on video during a sugar high. While Momma was at band practice I was chilling at Grandma and Grandpa's and we had burger and chips for dinner. Uncle Garrett got me some chocolate milk and Grandma said that there was a "little chocolate with my milk". I went crazy! It was ssoo good!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy Sunday Morning

Momma and I are watching "Lord of the Beans" right now. At 7:3o we are going to go get groceries. Then at 10:30 we are going to go to church. I am excited to go to church and listen to the music and I am excited for Kid's Charge. After church Momma is going to work on her finals and I am going to play in the living room. Later, if it is nice out, we are going to go to the park! Come on sunshine, come my way!