Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pictures From Grandma's House

Here are the pictures from Grandma's house this weekend.

Internet Finally Fixed

Mommy's internet is finally fixed so she will start to write my blogs every Sunday again like she used to. A lot has happened since the last time she wrote (and Momma's brain is forgetful today) so she's just going to write about the most recent stuff. Last night I spent the night at Grandma's house and had fun puddle jumping! I also got to finger paint!
Momma and I have had a pretty relaxed week so not a lot to report there. I did take a whole bunch of funny pictures though. :P
The week before that I was at Kirby's house with Momma and we were all playing and chasing each other around. I was so exhausted but it was fun!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Note From Momma

Just to keep everyone in the loop, I am not ignoring the blog. My internet has been messed up for over a week now at home so I haven't been able to post. I am working to get it fixed, hopefully sooner than later!