So here I am. I'm not sure which way to proceed. There has been so much that has happened, and so much that will continue to happen. Atticus is going in for his big testing tomorrow, and I will admit I'm nervous about it. I've waited almost nine months to have Atticus seen, and now that it's here I'm nervous. The fear I'm feeling comes from being overwhelmed with the decisions I have to make. When it comes down to it, I'm the one that has to make the decisions for my son's life and the help that he gets. I alone can make that decision... I... alone.... That keeps resounding in my brain. I alone.....
I wish I knew someone who has gone through my situation with Atticus that I could talk to, confide in, and receive support from. I have yet to find that person. Maybe blogging about what's happening, and how his life changes and grows will help. Who knows, maybe these words will end up in the ears of someone of a similar situation. The only way to know is to give it a shot, so here I go.
Atticus will go through nuropsych evaluations all day tomorrow. I get the results on September 6th. Maybe I will finally have answers to so many unanswered questions.