Friday, April 6, 2012

A Year's Gone By

So, it's been almost a year since I've written in this blog. Now that Atticus is older, and is starting to describe his own adventures, I'll write about them from my perspective (with fun stories about him). :P He'll have his input, and amusing picture to make you laugh.
This last year has had so many ups and downs. There have been so many adventures to talk about. Just to catch everyone up, I'll give a little intro before diving into the various adventures that have happened. It is now just Atticus and I. Kirby and I are not getting married, so there will be no human addition to our family. We did, however, get a fish... I named him "Sanity". :P I still work for the State, and Atticus still goes to the same preschool. He's doing well, has some issues fighting, but over all well. The teacher's says that he's one of the brightest children he's ever had. He has started to have encounters over video chat with his father, Chris, and will be starting to know who he is. We still live in our little shoe box apartment, but I'm hoping that will change in the next few years... Atticus is quickly outgrowing it! Aside from that, not a lot has changed. On to the adventures!
Atticus has done so many things this year! He's been to the Sportsman Show with Grandma and Grandpa, attended the Empty Bowl Project to help homeless people in Anchorage, gone to numerous birthday parties, had his first dentist appointment, we bought a new car, moved up to a booster seat instead of a car seat, tried ice skating lessons, and always asks if we can have dinner at Target.
The Sportsman Show with Grandma and Grandpa is his most recent adventure. I let him skip school to go with him. He got to look at boats, try a little fishing, and got free hand outs. (Oh how that boy loves handouts!) He had to have a stamp on his hand and Grandma said that he was so proud to show off the stamp. He spent some time trying out children's four-wheelers and was trying to convince Grandpa that he needed to buy a boat.
The Empty Bowl Project was our March adventure. The concept of this event is that potters all over Anchorage throw bowls and donate them to raise money for Beans Cafe, the local homeless shelter. You buy a ticket and trade it for one bowl that you get to keep. Soup chefs around town have a cook off, and the two soups that win are served to you. You have to walk through the line as if you were at the food shelter like the homeless do. 100% of the profit goes to Beans Cafe. It's a pretty big event and the line to get in takes FOREVER! We got there at 8:30 am to reserve seats, and we didn't get through the door until 11:30ish. My friends (Atticus's adopted aunts) Rebecca and Cheryl went with us. Atticus had so much fun and even got to pick out his own bowl to bring home. Afterwards we went to a mexican restaurant for lunch.
Where to begin on the birthday parties, this kid is one popular boy! He's been to around 7 parties in one year, not including his own. He's been to the Alaska Club with massive tubes to crawl through, slides, and a ball pit. He's had a party at McDonald's with the play place and some crazy noise makers one of the adults brought. He's also been to a nice house party with a massive back yard to play in and tons of people there. Atticus loves going to parties, and is starting to understand the concept that the gifts are NOT for him, lol, they are for the birthday boy or girl.
He had his first dentist appointment this last March. He was amazing! I almost didn't believe he was my child because of how calm and still he was sitting. He had no cavities, which is more than I could ever say about myself, so he got a special certificate saying he was admitted to the no cavities club. Man, he made out like a bandit there! He walked away with a t-shirt, a certificate, new tooth brush, flossers, tooth paste, and a whole little bag full of this and that small toys! I never got any toys... :( I was very proud of him though. He made me smile at how well he behaved.
Our little family finally out grew my beloved orange Ford Focus. It was just too small for a family car, and Atticus kept kicking my seats. Amanda, Garrett, and Dad all helped me go car shopping. After a few weekends of looking at different cars, I bought a 2012 Honda Fit. I must say that I am deeply in love with it! :) Atticus loves how much room he has now. Amanda and Garrett were awesome and sold the Focus for me. I had been wanting to sell it for months now, but was so anxious about how I was going to do it that I would make myself sick. Boy, I am sure thankful for my sister and her husband!
This weekend Atticus upgraded from a toddler car seat to a booster seat. He's getting so big! I had set the car seat on the snow so I could install the booster seat. Grandpa started laughing and told me to turn around. I turned around and saw that he'd sat in the car seat and buckled himself in. Grandpa picked him and the car seat up and put him on top of a very large snow bank. He smiled, but then wanted to get down. He ended up sliding down the bank on his butt, quite amusing! He is very proud of his new booster seat. He can get into it all by himself, and loves it when I take turns fast because he can lean over with the turns. It gives him more freedom and my goodness does that child love freedom.
We tried ice skating lessons in Eagle River this last winter. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but it was worth a shot. I think there were too many people there and it overwhelmed him. We went to the first four out of eight lessons... then he kicked a child with an ice blade and we decided that we should wait until next year to try again. Oh well, you live and learn.
Dinner at Target. I don't know why, but this child is obsessed with Target. He loves to go shopping at Target and then go eat a hot dog for dinner (or anytime really). I suppose there are worse things he could be obsessed with. If you've gotta have a favorite store, Target's a good one to pick. ;)
Well, that's a very quick catch up to what our last year has been like. I hope to start blogging more regularly that way all of our family can see what we're up to. So, until next time, go have some adventures of your own!!

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