Sunday, April 22, 2012

Four Wheeler and a BB Gun

Atticus and I have been pretty busy lately doing a lot of fun things.

I started sketching again... I haven't sketched in almost six years. It was quite the stress relief, so I think I'll have to continue with it. They're not the best sketches I've ever done, but the point is that I'm starting to feel like myself again. I'm looking forward to going bike riding, sketching, traveling to Homer, Seward, and anywhere else I feel like taking us. I think this summer is going to be fantastic.
Atticus started Special Education classes, and gets to ride the bus. He is so excited about that. He goes two hours a day, five days a week. The cool part is that he already had a friend in his class, Koda. He will be working on speech therapy and social/behavioral issues. I'm really hoping this helps. During the week he's been much better, so maybe this is a sign of easier times coming. :)
Atticus went on his first trip to the Library with my Mom. Mom got a job at the Loussac Library, so she let Atticus check out a few things. He ended up with a book on CD, a few DVD's and a bunch of books. Mom said that he had such a great time that I'll have to go get both of us our own library cards.
We went the other day to feed the ducks and geese that have come back. Atticus was excited, and loved throwing the bread out as far as he could. (Of course he had to sneak a few bites in himself!) There was one goose that was trying to beat up the other geese, but Atticus made sure to tell him it it's not nice to hit.
Grandpa also taught Atticus how to shoot his BB gun this weekend. Rest assured Atticus is still a few years away from being able to (or allowed to) shoot it on his own, they had a blast. Atticus actually managed to hit something (I'm pretty sure it was the tree) and that made Grandpa excited. I can see those two sitting on the desk shooting coffee cans in the future. Grandma was a little paranoid and rolled her eyes at Grandpa teaching him so young to shoot the BB gun.
Ali and Devin came home this weekend too. Atticus was SO excited to see them. All week he was talking about Ali and Milo coming home. He got to play with Ali and did not hesitate to start walking Milo around like he was his dog. Ali bought a four wheeler while in Anchorage and Atticus kept calling it a "motorcycle". While it was in Ali's truck she let Atticus come up and sit on it with her.
Atticus and I went to Sky's 5th birthday party at the Alaska Club. I was doing face painting for the party, and Fabi (Sky's Mom) had made these cute crowns for the boys and fairy halos for the girls. Atticus had a blast. We got there and started playing immediately. When he came to me to get his face painted he said that he wanted to have his birthday party here again this year. Well, I guess that decision is made for me! :)
My Mom always find the best stuff stuff at Value Village. She managed to find a UND Fighting Sioux hoodie in the children's section. I tried it on and it's the same size as my other UND sweatshirt. So, even thought it was supposed to be Atticus's in a few years, I'm going to pay my mom and keep it for me. :P
Garrett brought over his Eevo over and Atticus had a blast sitting in it. It's a right hand drive car from Japan. (Yes, it's illegal in the USA, but their car is legal. They have insurance, tags, and it's registered. LONG STORY)
Finally, that brings us to today. Atticus decided that he was going to bring me "coffee" in bed. He showed up with his little plastic measuring cup, with a plastic apple in it, and said that it was coffee for me. Then he crawled up into bed with me and gave me a hug. I'd say that's a great way to start the day out. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter and happy birthday to my Dad! It was quite the day today for Atticus and I. Atticus spent last night at my parent's house so I could go out with a few of my girl friends. This morning, however, was pretty fun. I put together Atticus's Easter bucket, slapped some blue bunny ears on my head and showed up at my parents door. Atticus screamed with joy, stole my ears, and started hopping around the house.
Atticus unloaded his bucket from me and was highly excited about it's contents. He received two Angry Birds t-shirts, a hot chocolate t-shirt, an Angry Birds flashlight, A Scooby Doo DVD with episodes where Scooby meets Batman, a Thomas the Train puzzle, some hopping bunnies, and a few other various things. I was totally the cool mom this year. I even got an "I love this" from Atticus about his bucket. :) SCORE! After he dove through my bucket, he showed me the one that Grandma and Grandpa gave him. Man, did that child score on the candy department! It'll last me all year! :P
A little later in the morning Grandma hid a bunch of eggs and Atticus had a little egg hunt in their house. (He had to miss the egg hunt at school and the big Kincade Park one due to evaluations.) After the egg hunt he went into melt down mode and we came home.
Once we were home, Atticus had another mini egg hunt in our house. He was pretty excited that he got two egg hunts in one. Atticus also had some visitation time with his father, Chris. Atticus was excited to unload his entire Easter bucket in front of the video to show it off. He also met Chris's mother, Leigh, over the video chat. That lasted for about 20-30 minutes, then Atticus was spent. I think, with the amount of sugar already in his system, that it went fairly well. :)
The rest of the day wasn't so well, lots of melt downs, but that's ok. :) He had some pretty funny moments. For starters, he decided he was going to sit on the rim of the bucket... and ended up getting his butt stuck in the bucket. Then he decided that he was going to put it on his head, scream, and run around. Yeah.. that worked well. He ran into the couch, bounced off it, and landed flat on his back. Quite comical, I was laughing so hard I was crying. LOL!
He's in bed now and I always think he looks like such an angle when he sleeps. Tomorrow's a new day, so we'll have to wait and see if he remembers the eggs that he dyed with Grandma in the fridge. He was saying that he wanted to take them to school to eat.