Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas, Moving, New Years... An Insane Month

Ok... so where to start, WHERE TO START!!!!!!! This month has been the most crazy month I have ever experienced in my life so far! Mixed into this whole month was: a weekend with Grandma, moving, Christmas, a crazy ice storm, the day care being closed on multiple days, New Years Eve, fireworks, and so much more! Let's see where I can start!

Momma and I had to move out of our apartment by the first of the year so we are now back at Grandma's house. Momma had got a new job at her new job (like a step up or something like that) and so now she makes too much money to stay in our old apartment. We are only at Grandma's until the middle of February. Momma said that's when our new home opens up. I'm excited because I'll get a new room. Momma is excited because she'll have her own laundry machines. I think that's a silly thing to be excited about, but Momma said that I will understand when I'm older.

Momma started school again this month, so that means that I'll get to see what she is learning about. Right after she finished her orientation and before she started her first class she decided to go on a weekend snowboarding retreat to "relax and rejuvenate" before the big move and classes started. I was really excited because that meant that I'd get to spend the whole weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. We made cookies but then I got really sick and started throwing up while Momma was away. Grandma said that it was the stomach bug, but it was only a 24 hour bug. I wasn't sure what that meant but Momma says that it means the sick bug only lasts for one day. That makes sense, but why are there so many hours in a day? Why 24, why couldn't it have been 23 or 25? Anyway, I am getting distracted.

After Momma got back from snowboarding we had to kick it into overdrive and get that apartment packed. I was a big boy and helped Momma pack my own room. It was exciting! I was really fine with packing until Momma packed my cowboy boots....then I got upset. She ended up taking them back out of the box for me. We got the majority of things packed on Christmas Eve. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas Eve dinner and spent the night there. I got to open up two gifts early. One was a set of pjs from Grandma and Grandpa. Everyone got pjs. The other was from Uncle Shaggy and Aunt Amanda. They gave me a HUGE inflatable bouncy ring. I LOVED IT!!! I wished the dogs could have gone in with me but Grandpa said they'd pop it.

Christmas day came and there was so much going on! I got overwhelmed and it took me almost the whole day to open gifts. I also got to try monkey bread and was happy to find that it was not made with actual monkeys. I also got to eat puppy chow, but, once again, it was not actual puppy chow but chocolate, rice chexs and powdered sugar. I was really really tired but way to excited to sleep. I did not sleep until Momma was driving out to Kirby's house for Christmas Dinner. Momma and I stayed the night over there on Christmas and had a blast. We were dancing to the record player that Kirby got Momma. I really liked "American Pie". :) Momma then put me to bed so they could start their monopoly game. I wanted to play but Momma said I was too little and it was too late. :(

The day after Christmas I stayed at Kirby's house with Eryn while Momma, Kirby, Grandpa and Aunt Ali moved everything from our apartment to Grandma's house. It was an all-day event.

New Year's just happened and it was a blast! On New Year's Eve we spent the night at Kirby's house and got to shoot off fire works. Momma said that this was her first year being this close to fire works as well. She even let me hold a sparkler with her. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Mr. Dave was shooting fire works out of his grill and they made pretty lights. I wanted to go down and try and touch them but Momma and Kirby said no. Oh well, there's always next year!

On New Year's Day we were eating dinner and they had this new food, sauerkraut. I don't know if I like it yet or not. I haven't made up my mind. Kirby cannot stand it and neither can Momma. After the sauerkraut there was pumpkin pie! I love pumpkin pie! :) Mr. Dave and I were taking really big bites, it was fun!

Momma and I are now back home and I am just taking a break from playing with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm glad things are somewhat back to normal, but I had so much fun this past weekend. :)

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